Understanding Scrap Metal Prices in London: Key Factors Affecting Rates
Scrap metal prices in London, and the UK in general, are not stable and can fluctuate due to a number of different factors. For example, they can vary greatly based on the market demand, the quality of metal you’re scrapping, and even from scrap yard to scrap yard.
And the same holds true when it comes to scrap lead prices.
That’s why if you want to earn money by scrapping metal, you need to know how to do it right and learn more about what affects the prices.

Lead is a fairly common natural metal that’s been mined and used for centuries – due to its malleability and resistance to water damage, it’s been highly valued in multiple industries, like the construction industry, for many years. That’s why you can still come across lead pipes, gutters, and flashings, especially in older buildings. But the popularity of lead has changed since the moment its high toxicity became clear – prolonged exposure can result in serious health problems. Of course, that’s not to say lead isn’t useful, but it has to be handled with care. Nowadays, one of the most common uses for lead is in various electronic devices. And to be more precise, in their batteries – lead batteries power our laptops and cars among others.
When it comes to scrap metal recycling, there are two categories you need to be aware of: ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals with lead belonging to the second category. Non-ferrous metals are rarer, and, in effect, they tend to be valued higher per pound, but even they aren’t immune to the external factors and are constantly influenced by almost daily changes on the market. However, as lead is mainly used in the production process of electronic devices and not in more seasonal industries like construction, it tends to be in quite stable demand throughout the year
Depending on the current situation on the market, our prices for a kilogram of lead can range from £0.70 and £1.2. But we offer to collect not only items made of lead but also products and appliances that contain it – especially lead car batteries for which we pay from £0.30 to £0.40 per kilogram.
We can guarantee that by choosing our services, you can always count on getting the best prices possible – to us being a trustworthy business is not just a marketing slogan! But in order to get the best deal, you should always check the most recent changes, instead of focusing solely on the average prices. To find out the exact offer, you can simply call us or your chosen scrap yard to ask for more detailed information.
If you’re looking for an opportunity to sell your lead scrap metal, you can always check the prices that your local scrap yard has to offer. But if you live in London, you can always choose us! At Metal Scrap Ltd, we provide the best rubbish removal and scrap metal collection services in London and the surrounding area. We offer the best prices, professional customer service, and scrap metal pick up from your own home!